What Are The Benefits Of Synthetic Motor Oil Compared To Conventional Oil ?

Motor oil is the same as the lifeblood of a vehicle engine. How the red blood helps to transport oxygen and nutrients to all the body parts, the motor oil helps to cool and lubes all the internal parts of the engine that moves. 

However, like the blood group, oil is also categorized into some types, where synthetic and conventional oil are two of them.

But, most vehicle manufacturing companies and auto mechanics suggest using synthetic oil though it is pricy than conventional oil.  

But why, and what are the benefits of synthetic motor oil compared to conventional oil? Yes, in this guide, we’ll discuss all the benefits of synthetic oil over conventional oil so that you can determine whether it is worth it or not to invest more bucks in using synthetic oil.

What Are The Benefits Of Synthetic Motor Oil Compared To Conventional Oil?

Before knowing the advantages of synthetic oil over conventional oil, it’s wise to learn the definition of synthetic and conventional oil. It’ll help you to understand the discussion clearly. 

What Is Synthetic Oil?

Generally, the motor oil, which will be artificially formulated with added chemical compounds and a carrier oil to ensure an even distribution is called synthetic motor oil. 

What Is Conventional Oil?

Which base oil that comes from the deepest underground is called conventional motor oil. Basically, it contains the molecules of hydrocarbons that are derived from hydrogen and carbons. But, like synthetic oil, it won’t contain any extra additives. 

Advantages of Synthetic Oil Over Mineral Oil 

So, from the definition, you may slightly guess some of the benefits of synthetic engine oil. Now check the below words, and match your guess. 

1. Viscosity stability at high temperatures 

When the engine runs, it produces heat, and because of this, it becomes hot. So what happens in the summer when the sun shines scorchingly? Yes, the engine becomes hotter than regular, and the oil evaporates. 

But, if you use synthetic oil, that won’t break down by losing its viscosity stability. Because it naturally has a higher viscosity index that can easily hold the film thickness to flow to the metal surfaces. 

On the other hand, conventional oil has less viscosity, will evaporate and be thin at higher temperatures. So it can’t ensure protection against hot temperatures. 

2. Excellent flow at low temperatures

Conventional oil becomes thicker in the winter or at extremely low temperatures than synthetic oil. So the synthetic oil flows faster to all the engine components to lubricate them for smooth movement and avoid friction. But the mineral oil takes a longer time, increasing the chance of metallic friction and engine failure. 

3. Protect the engine from wear 

When you drive an automobile, truck, ATV, lawn mower, or any other motorized vehicle at a higher speed, its internal parts continuously come in contact. So excessive metal-to-metal contact can break down the oil and cause engine damage. 

But, the synthetic oil lubes all parts for smooth movement. Not only that, it makes a barrier to prevent metal-to-metal friction. So, synthetic oil protects your engine from immature wear. 

Though the mineral oil can lubricate the engine’s components, that won’t be as protective as synthetic oil. So the engine will wear and tear earlier than synthetic oil. 

4. Less sludge and deposits buildup 

Over time, the engine becomes dirty due to forming sludge and deposits. It is one of the major causes of reducing your engine life. Here, synthetic oil contains fewer impurities than mineral oil to reduce sludge and deposit formation for oil circulation to keep the engine clean. Moreover, some synthetic oil brands slowly clean the sludge from the engine that is already formulated. 

5. Ensure high mileage efficiency 

Some automobiles are constructed with smaller engines to boost their power efficiency to ensure high mileage. While using synthetic oil,  you can change the oil approximately every 7500 to 15000 miles. But if you use conventional oil, within 3000 to 5000 miles, you have to change the oil. 

6. Optimized fuel consumption

Synthetic oil improves heat resistance and  burns less but offers higher mileage than conventional oil. So it is as simple as counting ABC to understand the advantage of low fuel consumption, which means less emission, and less fuel cost. 

7. Longer engine lifespan

There are two types of engines, one is regular, and another is turbo engines. As synthetic oil ensures all kinds of protection against heat, rust, corrosion, sludge deposits, wear and tear. So it can prolong both of the engine’s life. 

On the other hand, conventional oil also offers protection, but that won’t be as effective as synthetic oil. So this oil can’t prolong your engine life as much as synthetic oil. 

Disadvantages Of Synthetic Oil Over Conventional Oil 

Knowing the advantages isn’t justifying the discussion. Though synthetic oil has a few disadvantages, it’s not a bad idea to let you know them. 

1. Higher price

The first and foremost disadvantage of synthetic oil is its higher price than conventional oil. To use synthetic oil, you have to spend around double or triple that of mineral oil. 

2. Consume more fuel at a higher speed

Using multigrade synthetic oil may consume more fuel than conventional oil at a higher speed when driving on the highway. Because conventional oil needs more viscosity indexing improvement than synthetic oil.  

3. Additive separation in cold weather

If the weather is cold, synthetic oil additives will be prone to separating from the oil. So these lose their solubility. 


Can you mix synthetic and conventional Oil?

Yes, you can occasionally mix synthetic and conventional oil as it won’t damage the engine. But for this, you will need regular engine maintenance to avoid unwanted engine stucking. 

Can I put synthetic oil in my car after using regular oil? 

Yes, you can use synthetic oil in your car after regular oil. Because it won’t damage your engine, but you should consider the engine’s current condition to change the oil frequently. 

When should you not use synthetic oil?

According to the odometer, you should not use synthetic oil if the engine is older and runs approximately 75000 miles. 

Final Words 

Hopefully, now you know the benefits of synthetic motor oil compared to conventional oil and why you should use it though it is pricey.  Investing some more bucks is worth it as synthetic oil offers your engine’s ultimate protection, performance and durability when mineral oil won’t be worth its low price with its benefits.

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